Sharp BP70C36 Color MFP

Part #BP70C36

Introducing The Sharp BP70C36 Color MFP

Unleash the power of speed with the Sharp BP70C36 Color MFP. This innovative machine is engineered to conquer your toughest deadlines, boasting exceptional print and copy speeds of 36 pages per minute (ppm) for both color and black & white documents. No more waiting around for the printer – the BP70C36 catapults your productivity into high gear, ensuring your team spends less time waiting and more time accomplishing what matters most.

Advanced Scanning Technology
Efficient Two-Sided Scanning: A Duplex Single Pass Feeder allows for quick, two-sided scans. AI-enhanced scanning improves document quality. These tools streamline document processing.

Eco-Friendly Operations
Reduced Energy Consumption: The BP70C36 includes features to lower energy use. It supports a greener office environment and can help cut costs.

Hybrid Work Compatibility
Cloud Integration: Seamless cloud services support flexible work arrangements. This printer allows easy document access from anywhere, facilitating remote work.

Enhanced Security Features
Robust Protection: Security is a priority for the BP70C36. It features BIOS-based security and a Trusted Platform Module. These measures safeguard office data.

Mobile Connectivity
The Sharp BP70C36 multifunction printer is at the forefront of wireless printing technology, offering extensive support for both WiFi and AirPrint. This broad compatibility ensures that users can effortlessly print from a variety of mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops, without the need for intricate setup procedures or physical connections.



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